Episode 9 Just Breathe

Episode 9 Just Breathe

Just about every home inspection starts the same for me. I get on site fifteen or so minutes early and take a few minutes to myself to gather my thoughts. This particular inspection started out no different. I pulled up to the site, put my truck in park, and shut off...
Episode 11 I Need a Human!

Episode 11 I Need a Human!

I spend a lot of time in my car, and I spend a lot of time on my phone. It comes with the territory. Frankly, on busy days, I look forward to the short, quiet respite I get when I get to an inspection site early although in life, there are few guarantees. On this...
Episode 1 What Would You Say You Do Here?

Episode 1 What Would You Say You Do Here?

I’m going to take some time to answer some of the most common questions I get. Helping people learn about the home inspection process is a great part of what I do everyday. The more you know about the home inspection process, the better off you’ll be...
Season 1 Hello World!

Season 1 Hello World!

Our first season at St. Louis Home Inspection Services is a wrap! Thank you to our supporters. Remember to like and share our posts to help keep us going. We had a lot of fun going back through some old episodes, and if you can’t tell, I am definitely ready for...